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Enjoy being emotionally resilient and physically vibrant by connecting with your strengths and by cultivating practical skills to reduce stress through compassion, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence.

As a CARES™ participant, you will develop your:

  • compassion toward yourself and others,
  • present moment awareness, mindfulness, and
  • practical emotional intelligence in relation to your self, co-workers, family and friends.

Through 6-weeks of lecture, experiential exercises, case examples, scientific research, and lively discussion, psychotherapist and health educator Tia Rich, Ph.D., will help you to apply new skills to reduce your current stress, and to develop a CARES™ tool kit for stress reduction for the rest of your life.

Fifty years of stress management research have identified three fundamental points:

  • Stress levels predict physical and psychological health.
  • People facing the same demands can experience different stress levels.
  • Compassion, mindful awareness, relationship skills and emotional intelligence determine stress levels.

Research on mindfulness based stress reduction programs has revealed that compassion, toward self and others, combined with relationship skills, is essential for fully realizing the health promoting benefits of mindfulness. People who struggle with maintaining mindfulness in the midst of physical discomfort or pain, or in the midst of emotions such as fear, anxiety, shame, loneliness, grief and anger find that their mindfulness can be sustained with a simple powerful ingredient: compassion.

“If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
  If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.”
His Holiness the Dalai Lama

The CARES™ program provides effective methods for cultivating compassion, including the art of loving kindness, forgiveness, and emotional intelligence skills for identifying, expressing, and relating to emotions.

CARES™ benefits everyone!

CARES™ improves your health and wellness if you are currently in good health or if you are experiencing a stress-related condition such as pain, TMJ, skin rashes, chronic GI distress, disordered eating, panic or heart disease. CARES™ offers relief from stress-related symptoms.

Dr. Rich has a psychotherapy practice in Menlo Park, and teaches health and wellness classes at Stanford University and Medical Center. She earned a Ph.D. and M.S.W. in Social Welfare from the University of California at Berkeley, a M.A. in Health Psychology from Stanford, and completed 15 months of full-time residential training as a mindfulness yoga and meditation teacher while living at the Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy. Dr. Rich has been integrating the principles and practices of mindfulness, compassion and meditation into stress management and health promotion since 1984.

To Register in CARES™

Call 650-723-9649 or enroll at in the CARES™ class. Tuition is $255. CARES™ meets Tuesdays at Stanford University from 5:45-7:30pm. A new Stanford CARES™ Class begins each Quarter.

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